Written below is a blog post based on the writer’s experience. Thoughts expressed are of the writer. Opinions on the following points may differ from person to person. The motto behind this post is to bring in another perspective in light.
Our mental state determines our work-life balance, especially when one comes from a creative background. Mind, emotion, and creating design are interconnected trio. Creating designs is conditional on our minds and emotions. Design is the result of science, art, and technology. Designers get involved so much in the design process that no other phenomenon matters while working. Designing requires a lot of persistence, imagination. So, as a result, it might create a mental imbalance for a designer at times. And while we may experience such a factor, it is hard to not talk about the three nightmares of a designer:
1) Creative block
2) Dealing with feedbacks
3) Finding balance
- Creative block
Many times designers face a lack of inspiration or barrier to move forward with the design process. It is often difficult to get out of that zone and start again. A creative block might cause due to over-working. It can also cause due to working for a long duration on the same project. Or there could be other reasons too.

During the design process, our thoughts matter, emotions matter, and involvement matters. “The whole process might go off track if I’m not feeling the purpose behind any product. I did face creative blocks many a time. My mindset or willingness determined my design. It is a stressful period when one has to get work done and faces a creative block simultaneously.”
Often I take a break. I focus on something else to get back to the workflow. Though it might be a temporary condition, it feels hard to get back sometimes. Another part and parcel of being a designer is:
- Dealing with feedbacks
Designers have a very close connection with psychology as we handle aesthetics with all our emotions and mind. We often attach ourselves to our work. Sometimes so much that the designs become our identity.
So when designers receive feedback from clients, team members, there is a possibility that it becomes highly personal. Emotions and efforts are involved in the design process. Hence, designers do not separate themselves from their designs. Feedback can make or break a designer’s work.

In my view, feedback should consist of both negative and positive points. A combination of both will help the designer with the design process. “When I did my masters, I learned that being decisive in our words is essential. Mentioning positive points is also equally important. One must be precise with what we describe and how we describe it. It enables the implementer to learn about the requirements or what went wrong with any existing design.”
Designs can get affected because of the heavy emphasis on the negatives. Scrutinizing the design process is essential but, the way we express tells a lot about how we actually give feedback. It eventually boils down to how we treat other people. Last but not the least amongst the three is:
- Finding balance
Finding a balance between technical factors and aesthetics is hard. Designers have to find a middle ground to avoid a compromise on either. Sometimes execution gets rough with such difficulties. Implementing the design idea takes a lot of effort and patience.

When we draft/plan our designs, we usually predict the difficulties during execution. Sometimes sudden technical aspects come along unexpectedly, and we have to deal with the same. There is a probability of losing on aesthetics or losing on the beauty of a product. Juggling between functionality and aesthetics is the real challenge that designers solve
Designers see the unseen. With the knowledge of art and technology, designers can create a better life. We need more designers at work to enjoy the harmony of functionality and art. To enjoy the space, to enhance our lifestyle, and to think futuristically.
“I thought of sharing this post because few things need some change. If you are a designer, or shaping a budding designer, or an authoritative individual to a designer these factors should be considered to retain a decent working environment. I believe educating ourselves can help in building a better community. I hope that through this blog, you get to know more about the emotions and thoughts of a designer.”
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