What are the various ways to achieve individuality, individual style? Can fashion be used as a tool to express ourselves? Can fashion be related to our self-identity? As we read the blog title, such questions can cross our minds. Believe it or not, an association is built directly or indirectly between us and fashion as a medium of self-identification. So why not learn about it?
DISCLAIMER: This blog is just a point of view to help pivot our lifestyle in some way to achieve better, observe better. The purpose of this blog is to think of fashion as a possibility.
Association between fashion and self-identity
Self-identity is a combination of what a person truly is and how an individual portrays oneself. Fashion can be a great tool to take cues of one’s characteristics and how an individual wants to present to the external world. Clothing can describe a wearer. Choice of clothing can be like an unspoken description of one’s personality. Choices of clothing lead to assumptions too. As humans, we tend to pivot our perception around appearances. Direct or indirect feedback is received based on visual perception. We humans also tend to desire a strong identification from the crowd. When we observe and look deep into this subject, we can learn and develop our fashion choices and hence our personality. Often people want to establish themselves as somebody but seem to be confused or are not effectively portraying the same in reality. So, this blog can give you a clue on what aspect you can look at to be that person you want the world to look at and be the same.
Evolving fashion choices
“I remember my growing up days augmented my fashion choices. I was a weak child and often was skinny-shamed and, those were a few incidents that shaped my liking and preferences for clothes. Opting for power-dressing, utilising fashion to come across as strong and authoritative is how my fashion choices got shaped.”
Fashion can be instrumental in such instances. For life events, we can see fashion and style playing a part in being confident. For a few, it becomes like armour.
The impact of a fashion switch
If we switch our style that depicts what we want to convey, the impact can be enormous. Switch style according to an event, mood, or the kind of environment you would be going/attending. It almost acts like unheard communication that speaks volumes of what you represent or stand for. When we pivot our fashion self/ image, we can observe an impact on our surroundings. Responses will switch to unexpected ones and will enhance anyone’s presence.
There are many benefits to the same apart from the external validation. You could feel good, comfortable, powerful and can positively affect your mood. The positive points are far more when we take leap in our own fashion game!
Do we always have to associate ourselves with fashion?
The answer to this question is, it depends, as it is subjective. Educating oneself about such a subject depends on person-to-person interests. But, knowing one’s identity and expressing ourselves is essential. Personal identity is one of the basic human psychological needs. Every human is unique by nature but strongly desires to be identified in the crowd. Individuals may express their unique personalities through their apparel and fashion (Goldsmith, 1996).
Making fashion a tool to develop ourselves
Fashion can be instrumental in developing ourselves. More than the worth of the clothing, selection of clothing is more important. Our aesthetic expression might pivot in one way or other depending on where we want to lead our lives. It is a constant process. “But I think recognising our choices in fashion is important so that when we are unsatisfied at any stage, we can switch it up and can achieve better. Achieve better communication, get better with our soft skills, and live comfortably with our choices.”
“Side note: I know post-reading this blog another thought might cross minds. It is that “not to judge people by their appearance” however, this blog is catering to subjects who see fashion as a potential tool, who wish to communicate their identity, and who wish to change something majorly in their lives and take the help of fashion and self-image. So, the purpose here is to help see another standpoint and not to promote any principles.”
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